Monday, January 27, 2020
Depression in Children and Adolescents
Depression in Children and Adolescents I.INTRODUCTION. A. Greeting. Good Afternoon, my name is Sonia Cruz. Today Iï ¿ ½m going to talk about Depression in Children and Adolescents. B. Attention Grabber. Concord McGrath, Michael According to the Centers for Disease Control The suicide rate in the U.S. is 11 per 100,000 people. This makes the national suicide rate significantly higher than the nationï ¿ ½s homicide rate, with three suicides for every two homicides. Many of 30,000 suicides reported annually in the United States result from depression. Depression accounts for two thirds of all suicides. Suicide rates amongst children are especially alarming, with untreated depression identified as the single greatest suicide risk. Suicide ranks as the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, and the fourth leading cause of death for children aged 10 to 14 (McGrath, Michael.) C. Credibility Statement. Today I chose to talk about this topic because my best friend started to develop a very severe depression at a very young age I didnt know what was happening to her until she attempted to commit suicide, she opened herself after the incident, and began to relate me how life was so unfair with her and how she rather preferred to die than to live an empty life. D. Relevance. It is important to know what depression is because is not just the blues a child or adolescent may possible have, but it can be a serious mental illness, in addition it is a disorder that affects and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and the ones who care about these young people. E. Thesis Statement My objective today is to inform why children and teens may have depression, the different types of depression young people can experience, as well what can be done to help children and adolescents who suffer from depression. F. Preview. Children and adolescents are the future of our country, however many of these kids and teens are suffering from a mental illness that interfere with their daily life routines. One of these mental health problems is depression a mental illness that is real, painful, and furthermore serious to deal with causing young people to commit suicide. There are different types of depression and have distinctive symptoms, causes, and effects. Being able to identify what kind of depression a children or teen may have can help us to recognize the symptoms, and to be aware if this young people may have depression. G.[Transition] Know im going to talk the reason this young people may suffer from depression. II. BODY. A. Main Point#1: Depression is one of the mental and emotional behaviors that affect everyone including children and adolescents. There have been a lot of research to find out what may cause depression, however there is no a clear understanding of this mental illness at the moment, but the believe it is that is caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors. 1. Depression itï ¿ ½s caused by different factors such as genetics. Children and teenagers that have a family history of depression are more susceptible to get depression although some are not affecting by these genes and are not affected by this mental illness. Genetics can play a big role in depression, still is not the single cause of depression. 2. Life events also play an important role in depression. Infants and teens find very difficult to assimilate a tragic events such as the death of a love one, which can lead to grief and sadness. Other difficult life events are when parents divorced or remarry, or lose of a relationship; even events like moving from neighborhood or changing school can be emotionally challenging enough that can also lead to depression. 3. An additional cause that can lead to depression is the environment in which some children and teens live such as: a negative family atmosphere, or a stressful experience in school that affects their self- esteem and lead to depression. 4. When young people have depression they find difficult to fit in with everyday activities and daily responsibilities. They have difficulties getting along with others and suffer from low self-esteem; signs of depression include: sadness that will not end hopelessness, boredom, unexplained irritability or crying, loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable, difficulty concentrating, reckless behavior, and frequent thoughts about death or suicide. 5.[Transition] Although it is important to know why children and teens can have depression, it is also important to know the different types of depression these young people can experience. B. Main Point #2 According to Schoenstadt, Arthur There are a number of different types of depression that a person can experience. Several of them start during the teenage years. The most frequently diagnosed types of depression in teens include: Major depression Dysthymia and Bipolar disorder (Schoenstadt, Arthur) 1.Major depression: Major depression is also known as clinical depression,unipolar depression, and major depressive disorder. This type of depression last at least 7 to 9 months and its symptoms are lack of pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable, persistent feel of sadness sleep problems, loss of appetite, inability to concentrate, memory problems, and aches and pains. People who suffer from this condition often feel worthless, helpless, and hopeless about their ability to fix things. Children and teens who suffer from this kind of depression relay on sleep because when they wake up they see the real world as their nightmare.Sometimes, when major depression goes untreated, it will run its course and leave by itself. Recent research has shown that genetic and stress play a role in major depression . 2.Dysthymia depression: Dysthymia depression also known as double depression. This kind of depression last at least two weeks this depression its almost the same as major depression the only difference its that has milder symptoms and last shorter. Some symptoms of dystymia depression in children and teens are: poor school or work performance, social withdrawal ,shyness ,irritable hostility ,conflicts with family and friends and sleep irregularities According to Healthy Place About three percent of the population will suffer from dysthymia at some time a rate slightly lower than the rate of major depression. Like major depression, dysthymia occurs twice as often in women as it does in men. It is also more common among the poor and the unmarried. The symptoms of dysthymia usually appear in adolescence or young adulthood but in some cases do not emerge until middle age. 3.Bipolar depression disorder: Bipolar disorder also known as Manic-depressive illness this type of depression has severe symptoms this disorder causes change in moods as an example people who experience this disorder experience unusually intense emotional state that occur in distinct period its called mood episodes or an overly joyful state is called manic episode and an extremely sad or hopeless state is called a mixed state. Another symptom is the change on energy, activity levels and the ability to do normal tasks in daily routines. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor school or job performance, and may even lead to suicide. Some people start to develop this disorder during childhood, but normally develops in a persons late teens 4.[Transition] Equally important is to know what can be done to help children and teens who suffer from depression. C. Main Point #3 When children and teens are depressed it doesnt affect them only, it also affect the ones who care about him. That is why relatives and friend should be aware of what can they do to help. The first and most important thing relatives and friend can do to help a young person with depression is to seek professional help. 1. A doctor or mental health professional will make an evaluation and will diagnostic if the child or teen have depression; why he or she might have depression and what type of depression she or he might have.Once diagnosed, the child or teen with depression she or he can be treated with a number of methods. The most common treatments are psychotherapy and antidepressants. 2. Psychotherapy is the treatment of mental and emotional disorders through the use of psychological techniques designed to encourage communication of conflicts and insight into problems, with the goal being personality growth and behavior modification.This process is often call talk therapy because it involves the patient and therapist sitting in a room talking. Concord Schimelpfening, Nanci Psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for depression, because it helps the patient delve into the underlying reasons for his depression and learn new coping skills. Good evidence exists that one particular type of psychotherapy, called cognitive-behavioral therapy, may be just as effective as an antidepressant in treating depression. Several studies suggest, however, that the combination of an antidepressant and psychotherapy is the best approach. While psychotherapy is useful for ferreting out the psychological factors that contribute to depression, antidepressant medication corrects the underlying chemical imbalance( Schimelpfening, Nanci).Psychotherapy treatments are usually the first choice for children and adolescents this can be an individual therapy or a family therapy or both. 3. According to the National Institute of Mental Health Depression is commonly treated with antidepressant medications. Antidepressants work to balance some of the natural chemicals in our brains. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters, and they affect our mood and emotional responses (Depression). Antidepressants are prescription drugs that help people achieve their recovery, but as all drugs it have many benefits as well side effecs that is why these antidepressants should only be taken under a doctors supervision, whether antidepressant medication is the best treatment option depends on how severe the child or teen depression is, their history of illness, and their personal preferences, most teens do best with a combination of medications for depression and therapy. 4.When children and adolescents are going through treatment is important to support them to listen to them and to tell them how important they are. III. CONCLUSION A. Signal Before concluding my talk. I hope and i make clear what is depresion on children and adolescent. B. Thesis Restatement. My purpose today was to give you information about the different types of depression young people can experience, as well what can be done to help children and adolescents who suffer from depression. C.Summary of Main Points. 1.Main Point #1 Know you know that depression is a mental and emotional illness that can have many different factors such as biological and environmental. 2.Main Point#2 Secondly and not least important we have a clear understanding of the different types of depression and how they affect children and adolescents. 3.Main Point#3 Today we also learn what can relatives and friends can do to help a child or teen who is facind depression. D.Concluding Remarks,Memorable Statement, and/or call to action Why live? Why die? to keep on living an empty life. these word were from a 14 years old who commit suicide from depression
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Dna Structure
Associate Program Material DNA Worksheet Answer the following in at least 100 words: 1. Describe the structure of DNA. DNA molecules are composed of two strands that form a helical ascending spiral. They fit together like the opposing teeth of a zipper and are held together by weak interactions called hydrogen bonds. These two strands is a long string of subunits called nucleotides, each attached to the one immediately about it and the one immediately below it to form a long chain. Each nucleotide contains a five-carbon sugar.The five-carbon sugar contains a five-membered ring with an oxygen atom as one of the vertices. Each nucleotide also features a phosphate group and a nitrogen-containing base; these bases are typically represented by adenine, cytosine, thymine, and guanine. The base is attached to carbon 1 of the sugar, biologist denote each of the carbons in the sugar using a number from 1 through 5, where 1 represents the carbon to which the base is attached. 2. How does an or ganism’s genotype determine its phenotype? The genotype of an organism is the sum total of all the genes that it inherits.It is sort of like a blue print that is designed to serve as a guide in the development of the organism, so that it will become the same kind of creature as the parent or parents that it came from. The phenotype, the organism’s physical trait arises from the actions of a wide variety of proteins. For example structural proteins help make up the body of an organism, and enzymes catalyze its metabolic activity. A gene does not build a protein directly, but rather dispatched instructions in the form of RNA, which in turn programs protein synthesis.The molecular chain of command is from DNA in the nucleus to RNA to protein in the cytoplasm. 3. Describe each stage of the flow of information starting with DNA and ending with a trait. DNA and RNA are long linear polymers, called nucleic acids that carry information in a form that can be passed from one gen eration to the next. These macromolecules consist of one large number of linked nucleotides, each composed of a sugar, a phosphate, and a base. Sugar is linked by phosphates from a common backbone, whereas the bases vary among four kinds.Genetic information is stored in the sequence of bases along a nucleic acid chain. The bases from a specific pair with one another that are stabilized by hydrogen bonds. The base pairing results I the formation of a double helix a helix structure consisting of two strands. Genetic information in DNA is transcribed into RNA and then translated into polypeptides. These processes occur through transcription and translation when a segment of DNA is transcribed, the results is an RNA molecule.Transcription is taken placed because the nucleic acid language of DNA has simply been rewritten as a sequence of bases of RNA; the language is still that of nucleic acids. The nucleotide bases of the RNA molecules are complementary to those on the DNA strand. Trans lation is the conversion of the nucleic acids language to the polypeptide language. Like nucleic acids polypeptides are polymers, but the monomers that make them up are the 20 amino acids common to all organisms. The genetic instructions for the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain are written in DNA and RNA as a series of three-base word codons.Codons are the DNA is transcribed in the RNA, and then the RNA codons are translated into amino acids that form polypeptides. Codons in mRNA are read sequentially by tRNA molecules, which serve as adaptors in protein synthesis. References: Berg J. M, Tymoczko, J. L, Stryer, L Bio Chemistry. 5th edition. New York: W. H Freeman; 2002 Chapter 5, DNA, RNA, and the Flow of Genetic Information retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. gov/books/NBK21171 2012 Miller, C. Forms of Genotypes retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/info_8678611_forms-genetics
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Essay on Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay
In many works by Shakespeare, single parents struggle with the difficulties their children have, such as Desdemona and her father in Othello, or Hermia and her father in A Midsummer Nights Dream. Issues between parent and child are evident in Hamlet, but the single parent is a mother, not a father. The poem Meditation at Elsinore by Elizabeth Coatsworth embodies the situation between characters, and has hidden morals within the prose. There are many morals and life lessons in Hamlet, one of which is the effects of poor parenting. In Hamlet, emotional suppression and lack of parenting lead to the downfall of Gertrude, and her son Hamlet. Proper parenting can be defined as caring for children and providing them with shelter, emotional security, food, education, and safety so that they can become successful adults. Gertrude may have had involvement in her husbands murder, and this as such, would qualify her as a poor parent. Her failure to respect Hamlets emotions, provide emotional security for her son, and engender mutual trust confirms her as an unfit parent. This behaviour by Gertrude caused Hamlet to be suspicious, and it was his suspicion that brought about his and his mothers death. When King Hamlet died, Gertrude quickly remarries Hamlets uncle, Claudius, and the timing of this union is detrimental to the relationship with her son, eliminating all respect Hamlet had for his mother. Gertrude realizes that her swift remarriage has greatly affected her son, and doubt[s] [that] it is no other but the main: / His fathers death and our o erhasty marriage (Hamlet, 2.2.57). She realizes the cause for Hamlets new found insanity, but does not react to the situation as a responsible parent would. Hamlet, being witty and quick, refers to his new parents as his uncle-father and aunt-mother (2.2.362) when talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. This demonstrates that Hamlet has lost respect for both his mother and his uncle. Hamlet tells Horatio that the funeral baked meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables (1.2.180) when asked about the funeral. In a respectful relationship, a mother would have confided in her son before making the choice to remarry. Hamlet grieves for his lost father, but Gertrude seems more interested in spying on him. This causes Hamlet to become suspicious. When Gertrudes husband died, she did not mourn his death and she did not provide emotional security for her son, in the way mothers are supposed to console their children and support them through the tough times by helping them grieve. Gertrude is annoyed by Hamlets depression, and tells him to stop seek[ing] for [his] noble father in the dust (1.2.70). Instead of comforting Hamlet, she tells him that all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity (1.2.72). She is telling Hamlet to stop weeping over the past, and to move on, when Hamlet misses his father and wants him to return so badly that Hamlet contemplates suicide so that he can be with his father in the next life. Hamlet obviously notices his mothers lack of grieving, and states to himself that a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer! (1.2.150). Hamlet notices that an animal would mourn longer over a dead loved one than his mother did with King Hamlet. This demonstrates that he recognizes the lack of communication between them, and that communication between child and parent is an important part of a healthy relationship. Hamlet is left with no one else, and one by one his loves [betray] his love (Coatsworth, 7). Helping a child grieve and showing empathy for his feelings is the role of a parent. Gertrude failed in this role as Hamlets mother and further exposes herself to his scrutiny. Gertrude sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on her son, demonstrating that she does not trust Hamlet. Trust is absolutely key to a healthy relationship between mother and son, and can be attributed to proper parenting. Without trust, there is no true love, there is no relationship, and as a result, there is no happiness. Gertrude tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to instantly visit my too much changed son (Hamlet, 2.2.35). She wants to know what Hamlet is doing, whether to cure her curiosity or to simply know what he is plotting. Even if this act was committed out of love, the proper parenting approach would be to ask her son instead of spying on, and to talk with him in a mature, sympathetic and respectful manner. When she does talk to him, she agrees with his antics and asks him what shall she do (3.4.184), but when he is gone, she says that he is as mad as the sea and wind when both contend which is the mightier (4.1.7). Hamlet realizes that his own mother does not trust him-nor does he trust her- and that his boon companions came as spies (Coatsworth, 12), not friends. This leaves him feeling abandoned and alone as the relationship with his mother, the only parent he has left, has been damaged. Although Hamlets death is not directly caused by Gertrudes early remarriage, failure to help her son mourn, lack of trust and mutual respect, and the suspicion aroused by these acts lead to his demise. If Gertrude had paid more attention to Hamlet, and not to her own personal affairs, Hamlet may not have been suspicious. Things may not have been so rotten in the state of Denmark (Hamlet, 1.4.94). Gertrudes failure to parent Hamlet and convince him that everything is well leads to a downward spiral which results in the death of many. Gertrude dies a painful death, and only wishes that she would have had an opportunity to say good night [to her] sweet prince (Coatsworth, 20). Children will always push the limits with their parents, seeing what will make them give in, or what will make them explode with anger. Every child has does it, and every parent deals with it. It is part of life, but in the end, proper parenting will prevail, and the children will grow up knowing that they may have their own children. This is evident in Hamlet, by Shakespeare, and Meditation at Elsinore by Elizabeth Coatsworth. Hamlet will never have children, because of Gertrudes failure to properly parent, which eventually leads to the demise of both mother and son. This failure could be prevented, but many factors end up swaying the final decision, and Gertrude is the reason for the demise of both Hamlet and Gertrude. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression. This is because of the high levels of hormones during periods such as birthing a child and menopause. The latter of the two is the reason for Gertrudes depression, and specifically leads to a failure in parenting. That is why Gertrude hurried with most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets (Hamlet, 1.2.157). This horrendous act committed by Gertrude can be classified as a failure in parenting. Gertrude forces her son to live with the reality that his uncle has become his father, which, on her part is a thoughtless and impetuous act. With the loss of her husband, it would be proper for Gertrude to fully mourn her deceased husband. Before remarrying, a mother should join with her son in the grieving process, to show that the father in the family would be missed. The ten stages of grieving ensure that a person can accept and affirm reality, a stage that Gertrude achieves far too quickly. She skips a few steps on the way, and knows that Hamlets rash actions can be blamed on no other but the main: his fathers death and our oerhasty marriage (2.2.56). While some steps are missed, some are taken too far. Depression and loneliness is a stage Gertrude botches, as it is a stage where family members find communication difficult. Instead of moving on to the next stage, Gertrude lingers around loneliness and depression, which eventually brings her to marry Claudius. Gertrude does not erupt with emotions, or is never overcome with anger at anyone for the misfortune brought on old Hamlet. Ultimately, Gertrude reached the final step of the ten stages, but disregarded many rules on the way, resulting in poor communication between mother and son. Communication is essential to proper parenting, and this is where Gertrude failed. A lack of communication between mother and son can distance a relationship. To state that Gertrude has communication issues would be to grossly underestimate-she does not communicate at all. The love between mother and son had been established, but one by one [Hamlets] loves betrayed his love(Coatsworth 8). Instead of instantly jumping into marriage with a dead husbands brother, a parent must talk to their child about what their feelings are. Gertrude should have told Hamlet that she had a desire to find another man, so that Hamlet would have been prepared for what was coming. Gertrude sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to extract information from Hamlet, instead of talking to her son in person. In Gertrudes final seconds of her life she calls for her dear Hamlet (Hamlet, 5.2.314), the only person she really loves. Gertrude chooses to address her only son in her dying seconds, when the conversation should have taken place long before. All of the miscommunication leads to the demise of both Gertrude and Hamlet. On his deathbed, Hamlet knows that life will probably be better after death, as his biological father will not deceive him in heaven. Hamlets mother has left him with nothing, and even though Hamlet did not plan on dying, he wished that the Everlasting had not fixed his cannon gainst self-slaughter!(1.2.131-132)Depression, loneliness, improper grieving, and miscommunication lead to the failure of parenting. Hamlet was not crazy; he was simply confused and misunderstood. Gertrudes selfish choices hurt Hamlet, and showed Hamlet that his mother no longer cared about the welfare of her son. If Gertrude had used proper parenting skills, things may not have been so rotten in the state of Denmark(1.4.94). Denmark would not have to say good night [to their] sweet prince (Coatsworth 20). Works Cited Coatsworth, Elizabeth. Meditation at Elsinore. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. John Crowther. New York: Spark Group, 2003.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Monde Nissin Corporation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1519 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/22 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Level High school Did you like this example? I. History Monde Nissin Corporation has been providing Filipino consumers high quality products and excellent service for more than 29 years. In June 1980, the first Nissin biscuit was rolled out of the Laguna plant. Since then, Monde Biscuits has been a consistent top player in the market. Among the first few fast-selling biscuits were â€Å"Nissin Butter Coconut†and â€Å"Nissin Wafer†. With the company’s drive for excellence and continuous innovation, Monde Nissin subsequently ventured into instant noodles in November of 1989 Encouraged by the popularity gained by LuckyMe! Instant Mami (noodles with soup in pouches), Monde Nissin came up with other first, such as LuckyMe! Pancit Canton (noodles without soup in pouches), the first dry noodle in the market, and LuckyMe! Supreme La Paz Batchoy, the first bowl noodle available in that flavor. For more than two decades now, Monde Nissin has steadily and aggressively risen to be one of the countryâ€℠¢s leading food manufacturers. From its first biscuit, Monde Nissin Corporation has evolved into a premier food company, which has consistently been among the Philippines Top 100 companies since year 2000. Objectives †¢ To know the process of making noodles. †¢ To determine how strong and competitive they are in the market. †¢ To determine whether instant noodles is healthy for us or not. II. *THE PROCESSING OF THEIR PRODUCTS During our visit in LuckyMe! Noodle Factory we learn the process of making noodles. Monde Nissin’s processing and manufacturing facilities are efficient and dependable. Here, quality biscuits are processed, packed and sealed. Systems are constantly studied and improved. Computers help to minimize waste and maximize productivity. People are trained to maintain hygiene and safety on the job. Checks are done to assure product quality. The manufacturing plant is ISO-9001-2000 certified. High impact advertising and promotions build strong market base. An efficient distribution ensures product availability nationwide. All this to fulfill the company thrust to build strong and powerful brands. *LUCKYME! ’S COMPETITIVENESS IN THE MARKET. Instant noodles have become a norm in Filipino’s daily life because of its affordability and taste. The leading brand in the country is the LuckyMe!. Everyday the company produces over 6 million of many varieties of noodles. The brand LuckyMe! Has a high impact to Filipino consumers, they always maintain the good quality of their products which is one reason why most consumers purchase their products. But what makes LuckyMe the leading brand of noodles in the country is because of its high impact advertising and promotions. Popular actors and actresses, who endorse the company’s products, help the company to get huge sales in the market. They are good in doing commercials; they know how to catch the attention of viewers. Their advertising and promotions are v ery effective to Filipino consumers and because of these the company has built a strong market base. *ARE INSTANT NOODLES BAD FOR US? When you say instant noodles the first word that you will think is â€Å"PRESERVATIVES†. LuckyMe! Add preservatives during processing to keep noodles fresh. There are two kinds of preservatives the Natural and the Artificial, and LuckyMe is using only Natural preservatives. But what is the difference between the two? The main difference is that the natural preservative is found in and made by nature, while the artificial is synthetically derived in or man-made. Are preservatives bad? Studies show that preservatives are not bad for us. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified preservatives as a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) ingredient and have been using for centuries to help the food we eat as safe as possible. LuckyMe! Use only natural preservatives in the form of mixed tocopherols. Natural mixed tocopherols help keep it f resh and maybe sourced from nuts, cereals, soybeans, grapes seeds among others. They are most internationally accepted preservative for instant noodles. Instant noodles have really become a norm in our society. Busy people, who don’t have time to prepare healthy meals, buy instant noodles because it is very easy to prepare, and because of its taste and most of them are office workers and college students. Eating too much noodles is bad for us because that only means that you are risking your health. Even though the FDA classified preservatives as safe to eat, instant noodles are still not healthy for us. Just look at the label, it is high in calories and carbohydrates. In our own opinion, instant noodles are not healthy because of the preservatives and the ingredients it contains. We are not saying that we should stop eating noodles. There is nothing wrong in eating instant noodles, however we should eat it in moderation, we shouldn’t eat too much of it and we shoul d complement it with a variety of food to make up a holistic balance diet. *LUCKYME! DURING THE TIME OF GLOBAL RECESSION All of us are aware of the global recession in 2008, businesses not only the well-known company but also the small entities are greatly affected, there are no exemptions. But in the case of Lucky Me, as we observe it, it was not directly or totally affected by global recession, its product is suited to the financial crisis. Nowadays, there is urgently searching for cheapest food, luckily, Lucky Me instant noodles are cheaper, very affordable, even the poor ones can afford it. Really, Lucky Me instant noodles itself help ts financial status to be stable, to survive amidst of global financial crisis, that we can observe very rare on this time. *LUCKY ME VERSUS STAPLE FOODS Nowadays, some people enjoy eating instant foods like noodles, others wants staple foods like rice, corn, camote and cereals. As we know Lucky Me instant noodles is very well-known even when we have a staple foods, likewise if we try to observe most employees, students, professionals and non-professionals enjoy eating Lucky Me instant noodles because it is affordable and it is not time consuming. In this regard, Lucky Me instant noodles, although it is prone to some illnesses like cancer, kidney problem, still consistent to be popular than the staple foods. But in our own opinion, it’s not healthy for us to replace rice with instant noodles. Rice is our staple, and instant noodles as we said are not healthy for us because of the preservatives and other ingredients it contains, but we cannot make people to stop eating instant foods, especially noodles, others are so busy with their jobs and in schools that they don’t have time to prepare a meal. IV. Lucky Me produces good products, somehow there are things that as a consumer expect more from them but unfortunately this expectations are not given attention. There are some recommendation/suggestion we wan t to share all about Lucky Me through observation that we think might help them to get more market share than to their competitors: PACKAGING From the start up to this time, we cannot see any changes in the packaging of Lucky Me, specifically the dry and wet noodles. As we observe it, it was made from plastic and also the seasoning. As a consumer, as a suggestion, why don’t they replace it, make it more attractive because as we can see their packaging compared to their direct competitors is almost the same. To make it environmental –friendly product, why don’t they lessen the plastic, change it to a hard paper fit to the product except to the liquid seasoning, so from that they can also lessen the bulking of junk in our society. COMPLETENESS OF THE PRODUCT The word completeness is very necessary in Lucky Me product, specifically the instant noodles, it has seasoning. But sometimes as a consumer we observe that some seasonings are missing. So, as a recommen dation, why don’t they focus on assuring that their products are complete to ensure that the consumer will be satisfied. III. LuckyMe! Is the leading brand of noodles in the country. Their advertising and promotions made them no. 1 among other brands of noodles. During processing of their products the company adds preservatives to keep noodles fresh. There is always an issue of whether instant noodles are healthy for us or not. Studies show that preservatives are safe to eat and Monde Nissin add vitamins now to its noodles to make it a little healthy and they use only natural preservatives in the form of mixed tocopherols. But still, instant noodles are not healthy for us, in our own opinion because of the ingredients in contains. However we can make eating noodles less risky, we can add vegetables and other variety of foods to our noodles. Monde Nissin has really gained a position in the market, and during the time of global recession in 2008, the company remained stro ng in the market because their products are very affordable, anyone can buy it. The company did not shrink unlike the other big businesses. Some consumers preferred noodles instead of rice, and most of these consumers are the busy people (office workers, students). Of course, there are also Filipino consumers who prefer rice instead of noodles, but we cannot ignore the fact that instant noodles have really become a norm in our society. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Monde Nissin Corporation" essay for you Create order
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