Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Organizational challenges & problems Research Paper
Organizational challenges & problems - Research Paper Example This expose elucidates on the five greatest challenges organizations faced during the management of its projects and programs. The greatest challenge an organization may face during the management of a project or a program is a change of the priorities in the organization. It is crucial to point out that, priorities in an organization influence the structuring of objectives in programs and projects. In effect, a shift in organizational priorities challenges the management of ongoing projects. The shifts in the priorities of an organization may be a result of change in top management. On the other hand, an organization may change its objectives and goals and effectively influence a shift in priorities. The second challenge is a result of lack of precision in the scope statement of a project or a program. In this regard, failure to identify the scope of the project by clearly outlining the project goals and key project deliverables poses a challenge towards managing a project or a program in an organization. However, effective prior planning will help in identifying an explicit scope. On the other hand, managers may adopt changes in management in order to redefine the scope in ongoing projects or programs. In the process of implementing and managing a project or a program, changes in the deliverables and scope are inevitable. In effect, managing these changes becomes a challenge to organizations during the implementation and management of projects or programs. Nevertheless, effective management entails considering these changes and planning the update of these changes in the project or program. The fourth challenge organizations faced while managing and implementing a project or a program is a failure to assess and effectively manage risks, which affected the program or project. In this regard, the failure to assess the risks associated with a project meant that the organization risked failing to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Socio Cultural And Heritage Tourism In Turkey
Socio Cultural And Heritage Tourism In Turkey Firts of all, Turkey is a country which is rich of historic value and culture. As you know, Turkish Republic was founded on Anatolian land and that land has welcomed many ancient civilizations until Turkish Republics creation such as (East) Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Alexander Empire, Byzantie Empire and many Turkic civilizations. As a result of this, histories and cultures of these countires are hosted by Turkey. So, Turkey is responsible and proud of remaining this deep history to the present time. Generally, Istanbul, Aegean and Mediterranean sides are favored by tourists. So, In this essay, we will find how Turkey save and imporve their historic values. Anyway, If we step on general information about Turkish tourism and Istanbul, I can say Turkish Government were so interested to have serious developments in tourism. In early 1980s, the government set their economic policy to liberal economy and after this the Turkish Government were able to have foreign investments and the government concentrated on the promotion and encouragement of foreign investment in Turkey. However, according to Ministry of Tourism and State Statistics Institute, the main purposes of foreign visits are holiday and vacation, the second is historical and the rest is business and other visits. So, 60% of the foreign tourists are from Europe; Germany, UK and France are sending important propotion of tourists to Turkey which means they are serious tourist sources for Turkey. Recently, Commonwealth of Independent States(C.I.S) and The U.S.A tourist numbers seriously increased. Therefore, Turkey is normally well known in sun-sea-sand holiday trips and this is the main reason for being in world toursim market. To take more tourists attention Turkey offer more reasonable prices to the tourists and as a result of this, foreign tourists stay long but they are not in high-income groups in their own countires. The first aim of taking attentions of tourists is to send them to Mediterranean and Aegean beaches. Fortunately, these coasts have sandy beaches and beautiful sea but at the s ame time, the unspoilt historical ruins are taken good amount of tourists. The reason is Western European tourists are commonly interested in Graeco-Roman and early Christian heritage of the cities of Western Turkey. However, Islamic Seljuk, Ottoman or Kemalist(Ataturk) Heritage are unknown and because of this there is lack of interest in them. Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa and regions such as Cappadocia and Galatia are leading cities where the historical ruins were located(Ashworth Tunbridge, 2000). Anyways, After trying few tourism strategies, Turkey made the program The 5-Year Development Plan .In this programme the main aim is to take rich touristss attention to Turkey and prodive good offers on nature and alternative tourism. In first step, they tried to resolve main problems of the Turkish tourism sector could be classified as follows; investment, avdertising-marketing, developing alternative tourism varieties, educated personnel, seasonal variations, intercapacity, management, administration, infrastructureurbanisation and lack of coordination. As well as the Southern and Aegean coasts, the high potential of the Eastern Black Sea, East and South-East Anatolian regions of the country are developed and promoted according to these new policies (Dinà §er Istanbullu Dinà §er, 1999). Further, in theareas of environmental sensitivity, social welfare and productivity, the Ministry of Tourism has been trying to realise some projects as follows: projects for infrastructure and di versificati on of tourism, research and evaluation activities, efforts for the allocation of public land, special project s and educational activities (Istanbullu Dinà §er,2000). In 2002, 6,812 registered sites or centres(5,278 archeological, 831 natural, 188 urban, 125 historical and 390 other sites or centres) were recorded by the Ministry Of Culture. On the other hand, 64,963 registered Immovable Culturaland Natural Values were recorded in the same report. Nine of them are listed in UNESCO World Heritage List, they are ; Istanbul cultural peninsula, Hierapolis Pamukkale, Hattua-Bogazkale, Goreme-Cappadocia, Divrigi Ulu Mosque and its Hospital, Nemrut Mountain, Xantthos-Letoon, Troia Archeoligical city and Safranbolu. As a result of this, the plan was to make the historical places more valueble and noteworthy. So, the country would be heard by many of the people around the world, and it would make the country interesting in foreigners eyes, and in this way, the government tidies up the important locations. Therefore, this procces breaks the thoughts of country, I mean, It shows that Turkey is not just for summer time, it is suitable to discover and enjoy in four seasons. However, there are really strict laws to protect historical, cultural and natural values in Turkish Republic, and many instutions are involved. Especially, this covers defending against poor urban planning, protection policies, socio-economic problems, ignorance of the public, insufficient control and alternative uses of the land(Tapan,1998). Nevertheless, the poor urban planning and etc have been rapidly disappearing. Anyway, Istanbul iste biggest city in Turkey, and it is very rich in historical and cultural characteristics as a result of being the capital of the Ottoman Empire and Byzantie Empire. This is why we all can smell the history in every step we make in Istanbul. The main house style in Istanbul is Ottoman, and this style flourished in the eighteenth centuries. These houses of Istanbul and Edirne have always been model styles to Western Asia and Eastern Europe(Eldem, 1993) The planning experience of Istanbul goes back to the Ottoman Sultan of Selim the Third in the 18th century and continued with the plan of Moltkein the period of the Sultan Mahmut the Second in the 19th century. In the Republic of Turkey, the planning studies were initiated with the help of foreign experts that were i nvit ed from European countries in 1933. In t he applications of plans until 1958, the plan of Istanbul was prepared around the existing historical city centre. For the first time in 1958, planning studies were initiated for the whole city with a new and extended model. As a result of various plans and experiences, the Marmara Region Development Plan, Urbanization Policy and Istanbul Metropolitan Field Plan were certified in 1980(Keskin Diren,1994). But after the revision of this plan, its integrity had been altered.Since the mid 20th century, important urbanisation decisionswere taken in Istanbul with the contribution of foreign city planners; however, in the last twenty-five years demographic problems prevented the implementation of the plans and illegal urbanisation sometimes shaped the planning studies (Tapan, 1998b). Today, 65% of the urbanisation area in Istanbul metropolitan area is formed of illegal or unplanned areas(Ekinci, 1998).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Impact of World War 2 on Canada :: essays research papers
The result of the Second World War fundamentally changed Canada and its economy started booming. There are many reasons for this change and if you remember, World War I also made a big impact on the development of Canada. However, in the next few paragraphs I will talk about how Canada gained much more respect and autonomy from the Second World War than ever before and also the change from a country into an industrialized nation. After greatly contributing to the war, especially in the Battle of the Atlantic, Canada ended up having the 3rd largest navy and 4th largest air force. Now, for such a small nation of only around 11 to 12 million, this was a large military force. Since Canada had done so well in the war (already their second world war as a country) Canada started to grow further and further apart from Mother Britain. There was a feeling a greater sense of pride and a more nationalistic notion. Canadians everywhere no longer saw themselves as British, Scottish, or American, they were Canadian. Canada was now a respected country, and I might add, a pretty powerful one too. Canada also became a leader internationally as well. With such an enormous military contribution during the war, other countries began to recognize the success of Canada. People wanted to know more about Canada. Consequently, the war advanced Canada’s sense of identity. Before the war, Canada’s most important sector in its economy was agriculture. However, this was changing drastically after and during the war as industry began to take over as being more important. Canadian production of war material, food supplies, and raw materials had been crucial during the war. After the war, it was only natural that big investments were being made in mining, production, transportation, and services industries. Canadian cities were becoming very important contributors to the economy. This was also bringing in waves of post-war immigration, the backbone of Canada’s multicultural society we know today. Because of Canada’s boost in the industrial economy and its status in World War II, job options were abundant. By 1942 there was a full employment as hundreds and thousands of Canadian men and women found work in war industries.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Case Solution
Problems Q. 1 Consider a five-year coupon bond with a face value of $1000 paying an annual coupon of 15%. (i) If the current market yield is 8%, what is the bond’s price? (ii) If the current market yield increases by 1% what is the bond’s new price? (iii) Using your answers to part (i) and (ii) , what is percentage change in the bond’s price as a result of 1% increase in interest rates. Q. 2 Consider the following FI balance sheet: M. Match Ltd Assets| Liabilities| –year Treasury bond $175,000| 1-year CD$135,000| 15-year corporate bond$165,000| 5-year deposit$160,000| Notes: All securities are selling at par (equal to book value). The two-year Treasury bonds yield 5%; the 15-year corporate bonds yield 9%; the one-year CD issue pays 4. 5% and the five-year deposit pays 8%. Assume that all instruments have annual coupon payments. (a) What is the value of M. Match Ltd’s equity? (b) What is the weighted average maturity of FI’s assets? (c) What i s the weighted average maturity of FI’s liabilities? d) What is the FI’s maturity gap? (e) What does your answer to part (d) imply about the interest rate risk exposure of M. Match Ltd? (f) Calculate the values of all four securities on M. Match Ltd’s balance sheet if all interest rates increase by 2%. (g) What is the impact on the equity of M. Match Ltd? Calculate the percentage change in the value of equity. (h) What would be the impact on M. Match Ltd’s risk exposure if its liabilities paid semi-annually as opposed to annually? Q. An insurance company issues a $100,000 one-year bond paying 7% annually in order to finance the acquisition of a $100,000 one-year corporate loan paying 9 % semi-annually. (a) What is the insurance company’s maturity gap? What does the maturity model state about interest rate risk exposure given the insurance company’s maturity gap? (b) Immediately after the insurance company makes these investments, all interes t rates increase by 3%. What is the impact on the asset cash flows? What is the impact on the liability cash flows?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Political Philosophy and Aristotle Essay
When looking at the way Aristotle viewed the world and comparing it to the British Tradition you first need an understanding of each. In this paper I want to first discuss what I’ve learned about Aristotle, The British Tradition, and then compare and contrast the two. Aristotle was a disciple of Plato, but they saw society a bit differently. Plato would be considered in this day and age as someone who believes in collectivism. A collectivist believes that the needs of society as a whole are more important than the needs of the individual. On the other hand, Aristotle would have been a supporter of individualism. Individualism refers to the philosophy that an individual should have freedom in his or her economic and political pursuits. In contrast to collectivism, individualism stresses that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state. You could say that Aristotle believed in democracy. â€Å"The best state could signify one that is conceived according to an abstract ideal; one that is considered best for human communities in general; one that is best for a particular community under given conditions; or one that, while in no sense ideal, is as good as can be attained under the circumstances. †(Levine PG. 108) Aristotle also believed in three domains. The first domain is personal action or â€Å"ethos†. This is an idea to live by. Aristotle though that people were simple enough that we could live by one code or ethos. Aristotle called this â€Å"The Good Life†. The second domain is household or â€Å"oikos†. This is economics or how to manage a household. Aristotle believed that the goal in the household should be different from the goals of the other domains. â€Å"In the household, for example, a man should manifest different concerns toward children as their father than toward his wife as her husband, and he should be able to acquire, preserve, improve, and properly utilize property. The responsibilities of the head of a polis differ from those of a head of household, and rulers should discharge them in ways to attend to the welfare of all its members, not just one or a few. †(Levine Pg. 118) The third domain is city state or â€Å"polis†. This also stood for politics. Aristotle believed that we live in groups so naturally we have to make decisions together, therefore we have to be political beings. Of course this is where Aristotle sounds much like one of the founding fathers of our country. He thought women were too irrational for politics and that slaves and common workers were too busy to be involved. Aristotle believed that to be politically involved you needed free time to develop the necessary skills and knowledge. In other words Aristotle was an elitist democrat. Aristotle’s social theory was to create an environment conducive to good habits. He believed that we were are good by nature. In this environment we can then develop our virtues. He also believed that everyone had potential, but actualizing that potential was difficult. He also believed that public deliberation among those with virtuous habits and developed reasoning skills was good for society. As far as the British Tradition goes, they believe in a fixed human nature and that there are predictable social outcomes based on this human nature. I’ll focus on three different Brits and their different views on human propensities and how they affect society. Hobbes believed that humans were naturally bad and born with selfish propensities. He believed that this could only lead to a negative outcome, unless someone with absolute power were to control society. I believe Hobbes would be somewhat totalitarian or perhaps be someone who was in favor of some sort of martial law. Locke on the other hand was basically the opposite of Hobbes. He believed people were pretty nice and this would lead to beneficial consequences for everyone. â€Å"Locke endeavored to refute the Hobbesian defense of political absolutism. In so doing, he introduced two notions that would guide centuries of British revisionism: that the human animal manifests socially benign dispositions, and that human selfish dispositions can have socially benign consequences. †(Levine Pg. 130) The third Brit that I’ll look at is Smith. He is essentially split between Hobbes and Locke. Smith believes that humans do have natural selfish propensities, but that these propensities are to the benefit of society. So when comparing Aristotle to the British Tradition it’s obvious that there are some pretty big differences. Aristotle didn’t believe in a fixed human nature like the Brits. Aristotle would say that you are a product of the society in which you are raised. A good society will produce good citizens, and bad society will have the opposite effect. Aristotle would also argue that at any point during a persons life they can make the decision to develop their potentials and become a better person. The Brits on the other hand believed that you were either born good or bad and based on that there would be predictable outcomes.
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