Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organizational challenges & problems Research Paper

Organizational challenges & problems - Research Paper Example This expose elucidates on the five greatest challenges organizations faced during the management of its projects and programs. The greatest challenge an organization may face during the management of a project or a program is a change of the priorities in the organization. It is crucial to point out that, priorities in an organization influence the structuring of objectives in programs and projects. In effect, a shift in organizational priorities challenges the management of ongoing projects. The shifts in the priorities of an organization may be a result of change in top management. On the other hand, an organization may change its objectives and goals and effectively influence a shift in priorities. The second challenge is a result of lack of precision in the scope statement of a project or a program. In this regard, failure to identify the scope of the project by clearly outlining the project goals and key project deliverables poses a challenge towards managing a project or a program in an organization. However, effective prior planning will help in identifying an explicit scope. On the other hand, managers may adopt changes in management in order to redefine the scope in ongoing projects or programs. In the process of implementing and managing a project or a program, changes in the deliverables and scope are inevitable. In effect, managing these changes becomes a challenge to organizations during the implementation and management of projects or programs. Nevertheless, effective management entails considering these changes and planning the update of these changes in the project or program. The fourth challenge organizations faced while managing and implementing a project or a program is a failure to assess and effectively manage risks, which affected the program or project. In this regard, the failure to assess the risks associated with a project meant that the organization risked failing to

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